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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tea Party Influence in Santa Fe

Jim Harbison
I had the opportunity to participate in the Tea Parties rally prior to the opening session of the New Mexico legislature on Tuesday. It was well organized and well attended. Represented were the nine largest Tea Parties in the State including Las Cruces, East Mountain, Santa Fe (yes even Santa Fe has a Tea Party), Albuquerque, Otero County, Silver City, Lincoln County, Hobbs, and Deming. There were also some smaller grass roots Tea Parties from other areas in the State. As the discontent grows with the disregard for the will of the people, the rise of Tea Party supporters and influence will continue to grow.
Apparently, Democrats still believe in the Nancy Pelosi theory that Tea Parties are only Astroturf and are insignificant. After the 2010 elections it is difficult for me to believe that there are still politicians on both sides of the aisle who discount the impact of the perceived scattered, unorganized, disconnected, and locally independent Tea Parties. They still fail to see the nature and passion of the Tea Party movement – people who are joined together by their passion for a limited and fiscally responsible government. Joseph Cervantes was no friend of the Tea Party and he consistently opposed many of their core principles or conservative positions.
Joseph Cervantes
He has continued his support for driver’s licenses for illegals, same day voter registration and opposition to photo ID at the polls. When the rumors of Republican coalition to support for him for the Speaker became prominent Tea Party members across the State took action. They contacted their legislators, local political parties and Tea Party members to express their opposition to this plan. Simply put, Tea Party members cannot support voting for anyone who opposes their core principles.
As a result the nine major Tea Parties mentioned above met with local and State Republican Party officials, made phone calls and sent emails. While each Tea Party had specific issues with the coalition they bonded together and released the following message to all 33 Republican members of the legislature: We, the citizen members of the following TEA Parties, strongly recommend that the New Mexico Republican Legislators nominate from within their own caucus, a candidate for Speaker of the House and vote in unison for that candidate. We do not support any coalition with progressives nor with those with a voting record which contradicts our conservative values.” I would ask Mr. Cervantes how he feels about the power of the Tea Parties now. While the surprise in Santa Fe over the election of the Speaker was no surprise to the Tea Party folks, it seems to have taken the Democrats by surprise or at least off-guard.
Apparently, they didn’t consider that the Tea Parties could have so much influence over the selection of the Speaker. Uninformed pundits seem to indicate that the Santa Fe rally was a last minute effort by the Tea Party to make a little inconsequential noise in Santa Fe. I can assure you it was planned well in advance and I for one made my hotel reservations in Santa Fe more than a month ago. From my perspective it was very effective and the influence of the assorted Tea Parties will change the behavior of some of the Legislators considering running for re-election in 2012. “We the People” Tea Party supporters now demand a more accountable and responsible government and are taking a more aggressive political role in reshaping government. It is obvious that they are serious and passionate about limited accountable governments. Politicians of all orientations had better take note.