9) Most young people are oblivious to the entitlement ponzi schemes they contribute to. Instead of understanding why basic finance is important, particularly as it applies to the enacting intelligent public policies, tens of millions of young people seem to be pre-occupied with social activities on Facebook, the next film releases, and the intriguing advances in smart phone technology. Young people have been trained to distrust businesses and accept the massive intrusion of government in their lives without question.
10) The government’s TSA has turned travel into a nightmare. As a result, millions of people are choosing to stay home rather than endure pat downs and body scans. This is severely affecting the hospitality industry.
11) The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Dept. has made a clear choice to execute policies that enable government to BORROW at miniscule interest rates while forcing savers to continuously lend at miniscule interest rates. In effect savers (many seniors) are being coerced by government policies into letting the government borrow their money for practically nothing. Now, even at zero interest rates, the government needs to borrow MORE and our debt rating has been removed from the AAA list.
The government’s National Labor Relations Board has made the decision to fight Boeing to prevent the company from creating additional high paying benefit laden jobs in South Carolina because the state has right to work laws. Boeing is accused of "retaliating" against its union in Washington . In effect the NLRB is insisting on "signing off" on new plant plans. This tactic will accelerate the pushing of jobs to other countries.

13) President Obama has just announced the imposing of a doubling of fuel economy standards in the auto industry over the next 14 years. This policy will drive up the cost of our transportation choices and shrink the size and safety of cars. Consumers will pay more, get less, and choices will be reduced. 
14) Europe has already engaged in all of the same policies and practices listed above. It has done so for much longer than the U.S. Several European nations are on the brink of insolvency. Their colossal mismanagement of incentives over a prolonged period of time is threatening the security of lenders all over the world and reducing the creation of jobs.

15) The U.S. government is bigger than ever…..and it will only get bigger. The mindless automatic escalation of expenditures remains. In the absence of a change in baseline budgeting and the mentality that goes with it, all of the things that are going wrong will continue to go wrong.