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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sanchez Answers Column by Thomas Cole (cont'd)

After the 60 day session, I continued the promise of taking the Lieutenant Governor’s office on the road. I have travelled thousands of miles and revisited over half of New Mexico’s counties fulfilling my responsibilities of facilitating cooperation and understanding between the public and State Government. While serving on 10 boards and commissions I have held over 250 constituent meetings. It has been a pleasure to meeting with representatives from Spain, Turkey, Russia, China and Germany promoting economic and cultural relationships as well as participating in or organizing over 100 federal, state, local private and charitable events and meetings. While having worked over 100 days in the State Capitol, my goal has been to divide my time equally between Santa Fe, the rural portions of New Mexico and the Albuquerque metro area. My experience over the past 12 months has reminded me that the citizens of New Mexico want their elected officials to come to them and not remain isolated in Santa Fe.

As to the issue of saving tax dollars of the hard working people of this state, we are proud to cooperate with Governor Martinez in her promise to make State Government more efficient. My staff is half that of the previous administration and I was proud to return over $100,000 to the General Fund last fiscal year from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor’s budget. I have declined over $7,000 that is available to me for the days that I functioned as Acting Governor. Also, I have not sought reimbursement for mileage, lodging or any other expenses while on official state business.
I understand and respect the role of being Lieutenant Governor. My support for Governor Martinez in her efforts to help create jobs, rebuild our economy, reform education and increase public safety is such that I don’t need to be in the forefront. The Governor has demonstrated that she is more than capable of leading and being the Chief Executive of our state. I will continue to fulfill my responsibilities and duties to the fullest and remain focused on moving New Mexico forward. My annual report will be submitted to Governor Martinez this week, further detailing my activities as Lieutenant Governor this past year.
For more information concerning my office or to contact me regarding a need you may have, please contact us at 505-476-2250 or on the web at .